Video Resources

Monday, November 11, 2013

Text Features Posters

Here are some pictures of some of the students hard at work, creating their Text Features posters. 

Magnetic Strength

Here are some old pictures of the students testing the strength of magnets.

Magnetic Materials

Here are some old pictures of the 5th Graders testing to see which materials are magnetic.  They were surprised to find that cassette tape IS magnetic.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Duck Dynasty

Some of the members of Duck Dynasty decided to swing by for our Halloween Party!  Too cute!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Text Features

With a big emphasis in Nonfiction Text... we worked as a class to learn how text features can help us during our reading.  After learning about what a text feature is, students worked alone or together to create a poster demonstrating a variety of text features.  Students looked through magazines to find their text features, then grouped and labeled them.

Check our their final products:

Have an AMAZING Fall Break!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Author Visit

There is nothing like an author visit to get the 5th Graders writing.  This week, we have had the honor of having Katie Mcky, author of Pumpkin Town, helping us out at Glenbrook.  We started with an all school assembly on Monday, then today we had the opportunity to have a one hour writing experience led by her. It was AMAZING.  These 5th Graders were so engaged and having so much fun... its amazing what some tents, spray bottles, dusters, s'mores, and leaf blowers can do.  Yes, I said leaf blowers. You will have to ask your child about it.  :)

Here is one picture showing how engaged the students were.  Emily was put in the hot spot, or a Test Of Toughness, as Katie Mcky calls it, and she did an amazing job!

If you want to learn more about Katie Mcky, you can go to her website


Thursday, October 10, 2013

What Does A Fox Say

These 5th Graders are hilarious!  I am sure many of you may have heard your child say, "What does a fox say?"  Well, they are obsessed with a Youtube video/song about that.  Since we were discussing onomatopoeias I decided to include their interest in our lesson.  Here is a copy of the song in case you are wondering what it is.  I only showed the lyric version, no images, and I stopped it after the first round of verses. But, it was a great way for them to hear and practice their "sounds" while listening to something they already sing about 20 times a day. Haha.

**On a side note, I did NOT introduce them to this song, so it is not my fault! ;)  Have a wonderful day!


Oh, the mysteries of science.  We are having a great time working with our Magnets and Motors Einstein Kit.  This was an experiment where we tested the strength of magnets.  Check back for pictures of when we create an electric motor.  :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Improper Fractions Songs and Stories

Here are the different ways (song, rap, story, or poem) the 5th Graders decided to explain how to change an improper fraction into a mixed number.  They had the choice to do this as a group or on their own. 
Such a creative bunch!  ENJOY! :)

Musical Mixed Numbers

The students have been doing a great job converting mixed numbers into improper fractions, but when some students return to school they have forgotten how to do it again.  We have tried to solve this problem with music.  The students were placed into groups and they had to create a song, rap, or poem to explain the conversion process.  The students had so much fun with this!!!  
 (Only 1 group agreed 100% to be on video, that is why the rest are audio)
Stay tuned for Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers! :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for a wonderful first week of school.  The staff and students have been amazing, and we are off to a great start in Fifth Grade.  If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!