Video Resources

Thursday, March 20, 2014

School Video

What makes Glenbrook so great?  We asked some of the students, and here is what they came up with... (check out the link)

I am so proud to be a part of such a great school and community!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Word Work Oh My!

When I had taught First Grade my they LOVED Word Work... turns out so do 5th Graders!  Here are some pictures of them using our Word Work materials (crazy markers, bingo dotters, stamps, etc.) to practice their spelling words. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Food Drive

I take so many pictures of these kiddos and I forget to post them!!  Here is an amazing class pictures of the 5th Graders and their WINNING canned goods and food for the food drive.  AMAZING!  So proud of them!

Wacky Wednesday!

Here are our long awaited Wacky Wednesday pictures.  I am extremely pleased that the students were willing to dress up for this day... I mean, why not make the best of each day?! :) Awesome job 5th Grade!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Our Classroom Video

I am so honored to be chosen as a Teacher of Distinction. Through this whole process the students and I had to create a video that represents who we are as a classroom.  They did an awesome job taking the lead in this... here is our final product!  I am so proud of them!