Here is a newsletter and video created by some of Mrs. Diemel's 5th Graders, to keep you informed as to what is happening in Glenbrook! Each month we will be taking turns as a class to update you!
5th Grade Gazette
What’s happening at Glenbrook?
By: Greta volberding and Graci Prosek :d
Important Dates to Remember
By:Aaron Maroszek and Sophia Berg
Spirit sticks - Kids are rewarded with spirit sticks for good behavior in the classroom. You can collect your spirit sticks and put them on your raider pride keychain to show them off
Birthdays - Remember, if your birthday is in October you get a spirit stick! The birthday spirit sticks are really cool and say happy birthday with a candle on it!
Maps testing - Get your brains ready! because Glenbrook is having fall maps testing from September through October 2014!
Halloween- Halloween Celebrations will be on October 31 from 1:30-2:30. Students are allowed to wear school appropriate costumes and no weapons/look-alikes are allowed.
Oct B-days:
Emily J.-25,
Aaron M.-30,
Lauren l.-7,
Evan p.-20
Emilee r.-15,
Justin V.-2,
Alex A.-26
Rylee M.-28
Mac- 8
-Every friday is PACKER FRIDAY wear your best packer gear!
-October 30th is picture retake day.
-Family reading night is on October 7 from 6:00-7:30.
-14 pto meeting.
-22 is early release.
-23-24 no school #awesome.
What are we learning?
By:Hayley seiltz and
Sammy Kuczer
5th Grade Team
Math:in math we are starting module 2 we will be working on fractions.
Reading: In reading we are working on building up our stamina. Stamina is where we build up reading with no one talking and the room is quiet.
Science/Social studies:
Can’t wait to get attracted
to magnets and motors. We are making compasses.
We are writing narratives.
Working on cursive bugs.
gym:we wilL be DOING SOCCER.
music:WE WILL BE PLAYING OUR RECORDERS and learning new songs.
art:finishing our landscape portraits.
Thanks for all you do for your 5th grade students.
Ellen Melberg-
Cora Boucher-
Jamie Somerville-
Nicole Diemel-
Kelyn Kasten-
Kate Hebel-
guidance:working on listening and stopping cyber bullying.
cyber bullying is not cool!
When our class earns and hands in 100 tickets, we earn a ball to go in the knightly note barrel so we can earn a celebration.
Have an amazing weekend!